
Guided Sculpture Walk

05 Oct 23
13:00 — 14:00

Art + Design Gallery
College Lane Campus, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, AL10 9AB


This autumn, UH Arts + Culture open up the University of Hertfordshire’s sculpture collection, guiding you through the works of some of the UK’s most impactful artists.

The collection offers a diverse range of sculptures that illustrate the evolution of British Sculpture since the 1950s – from a life-sized bronze of Sir Geoffrey de Havilland, to bold steel structures by University of Hertfordshire alumni.

Experience pieces like an Vertical Forms, an abstract stone sculpture by Barbara Hepworth, Torso by John Farnham (student of Henry Moore), and College Plan, a geometric wall relief map by Trevor Tennant.

The trail also features Land Art by Andy Goldsworthy, interactive and sound sculptures, and assemblages – a truly unique experience.



Hosted by UH Arts + Culture
Banner image : College Plan, 1952·Dudley Trevor Tennant·187h x 321w (cm)·University of Hertfordshire Campus, Commissioned by Hatfield Technical College·© Dorothy & Trevor Tennant estate·Photo © University of Hertfordshire